Calendrier International

Dans cette rubrique, vous trouverez certains des prochains séminaires internationaux, conférences, congrès etc. de Méthodes d’Action et/ou de psychodrame humanistes organisés dans le monde.

Un grand nombre de ces événements proviennent de l’excellent calendrier international publié sur la page « Psychodrama calendar » de la FEPTO (Fédération Européenne et méditerranéenne des Organismes de formation en psychodrame) dont l’Institut ODeF est membre. Nous en remercions vivement toutes celles et ceux qui y ont contribué.

Faites-nous parvenir les événements dont vous avez connaissance, nous les y inclurons.




Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association (AANZPA) (17-21 janvier, Brisbane – Australie) : Sujet à déterminer. Plus d’informations :



Various Italian psychodramatists and psychodrama associations (February 3-4, Provaglio D’Iseo, Brescia, Italy): Psicodramma a più voci, diciannovesima edizione. La tenerezza nella cura 

Centaur Art Foundation (February 8-11, Plovdiv, Bulgaria).7th Psychodrama Festival http://centaur

American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) (February 26, march 3, Houston, Texas, USA). The Healing Power of groups in a Fragmented World



American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) (February 26, march 3, Houston, Texas, USA). The Healing Power of groups in a Fragmented World



Italian Association of Morenian Psychodramatists (AIPsiM) 16th AIPsiM Incontro di primavera: topic to be decided (7 – 8 avril, Torino, Italy).

76th Annual Conference, American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP) (19-22 avril, Dallas, Texas, USA).Expanding Horizons  www.asgpp.or

XIII. National Psychodrama Congress: Ballroom? Game? Hungarian Association for Psychodrama (April 27-28, Budapest, Hungary)

Congrès brésilien de psychodrame, Federação Brasileira de Psicodrama (FEBRAP) (27 avril – 1er mai, Fortaleza – Brésil) : Relações Transformadores. Plus d’informations :



21e congrès brésilien de psychodrame, Federação Brasileira de Psicodrama (FEBRAP) (27 avril – 1er mai, Fortaleza – Brésil) : Relações Transformadores. Plus d’informations :

45th Symposium of SEPTG, Spanish Society of Psychotherapy and Group Techniques (SEPTG) (3-6 mai, Seville, Spain). Plus d’informations: El ciudado de los grupos

36. Psychodrama-Symposium: topic to be decided, Österreichischer Arbeitskreis für Gruppentherapie und Gruppendynamik Fachsektion Psychodrama (ÖAGG) (May 4-6, Spital am Pyhrn, Austria).

13th FEPTO Conference: The Tree of Life, Tradition and Renewal, FEPTO with IPP “Chiron” and Bulgarian Society for Psychodrama and Group Therapy (May 11-13, Pravetz, Bulgaria) The Tree of life. Tradition and Renewal

26e Meeting annuel de la FEPTO, FEPTO (13-17 mai, Pravetz – Bulgarie). Plus d’informations :From Today, Tomorrow. Revisiting the Core Functions of our Organization

43. Internationally Contributed Group Psychotherapies Congress, Turkish Group Psychotherapies Association (May 23-26,Bergama/Aesclepion, Turkey). Plus d’informations : Here & now

9th International Spring Academy (ISA), Centar za psihodramu, Croatia (May 24-27, Novigrad / Istria, Croatia). Plus d’informations: Exploring internal and external boundaries in groups and society 

III. International psychodrama meeting, Centro Zerka T. Moreno Lucca (May 25-27, Lucca, Italy). Plus d’informations:  Walking Opens the Way… Still on the Genetic Matrix



Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama, ARPsiC ( July 5-8, Sarmisegetuza, Romania). Plus d’informations:  5th Summer school

BPA conference: Healing Places, Healing Spaces,  British Psychodrama Association (BPA) (July 6-8, Malvern, United Kingdom). Plus d’informations:

Pré-Congrès de l’IAGP, Rising Tides Of Challenge And Hope. Healing Identity, In Society, Groups And Individu-alsInternational Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (31 juillet, Malmö – Suède). Plus d’informations : 20th IAGP Congress



20e Congrès IAGP, International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (1-4 août, Malmö – Suède) : Rising Tides Of Challenge And Hope. Healing Identity, In Society, Groups And Individuals. Plus d’informations : 20th IAGP Congress 

Psühhodraama Instituut (August 15-17, Pärnu, Estonia). Plus d’informations: 10th Baltic Moreno Days Pre-conference

Psühhodraama Instituut, Time 2.0  (August 17-19, Pärnu, Estonia). Plus d’informations: Baltic Moreno Days Conference



International Conference for Psychodrama with Children and Youth (September 26-28, Budapest, Hungary). Plus d’informations: Our Common Language: Symbolic Play



XI. National Psychodrama Conference: Identity,  Society J. L. Moreno (SPJLM) and Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama (ARPsiC) (October 19-21, Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Plus d’informations:

33. Meeting of AEP: topic and dates to be decided, Asociación Española de Psicodrama (AEP) (Granada, Spain). Plus d’informations:



XI. National Psychodrama Conference: topic and dates to be decided, Psychodrama Society J. L. Moreno (SPJLM) and Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama (ARPsiC) (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Plus d’informations:

III. Psychodrama Festival: Today on Days, Polish Psychodrama Association (PIP) (November 16-18, Krakow, Poland). Plus d’informations:




Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association (AANZPA) Dates and place to be decided. Plus d’informations:



XII. Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicodrama: topic to be decided, Foro Iberoamericano de Psicodrama (FIP) (May 8-11, Costa Rica). Plus d’informations: facebook XII. Congreso Iberoamericana de Psicodrama



3rd Hellenic Summer Psychodrama Academy, Centre of Athenian Psychodramatic Encounters – (Kolympari/Crete, Greece). Plus d’informations:



Psychodrama International Conference,  Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) (Iseo, Italy). Plus d’informations: